Upcoming Events
Faithful Parenting
Faithful Parenting: Marital Exhaustion In The Midst of Parenting
Parents with children are invited to join us Saturday, Jan. 25, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at the home of Sutton and Lance Boling to discuss the topic of "Marital Exhaustion in the Midst of Parenting". Register here. For questions, contact Kelly@intown.org.
Intro to Intown
For those who are new to Intown Community Church and want to learn more about the church, please join us for a lunch after service on January 26 at 12:15 p.m. in room 217. This will be an opportunity to hear more about why Intown exists, meet pastors and staff, learn more about ministries and get any questions answered. Please click here to register.
Membership Class
Whether you are new to Intown or have been here awhile, if you would like to explore what it means to be a member, please join Membership Class on Sunday, February 23, from 12:15 - 3:15 p.m. in Room 217. You'll learn about the core commitments of Intown Community Church and what it means to be a part of our congregation as well as part of the broader community of believers. Lunch is provided. Childcare is available on request. Click here to register.
Contact Paula Hunt with questions.
Women's Retreat
The women's retreat is back! Our speaker for this year's retreat is Laura Straka, who holds a Masters in Biblical Studies from RTS Atlanta and works with RUF at Emory. She will teach us lessons from Isaiah about God's glory and how it gives us hope. The retreat will be March 14-16 at Forrest Hills Resort in Dahlonega, GA. This is a great weekend to be encouraged and build stronger relationships with the women in our church. There will also be time to rest and commune with God more deeply. Click here to register. Scholarships are available, so contact Jean Joiner if you'd like to discuss this opportunity.
Women's in the Bible
In 2025, Senior Pastor Jimmy Agan will be teaching a three-part series on Women in the Bible. Part 1 begins this Sunday, Jan. 19 at 9:30 a.m. on the third floor. He will begin with an introductory look at two women Jesus praised as ideal disciples. Everyone is welcome!
Christianity and Literature Community Group
Beginning Jan. 14, the Christianity and Literature group will begin discussing Jane Austen's first published work, Sense and Sensibility, a novel with something for everyone. A story of selfishness and self-control, involving sisters—loving but very different; suitors—two honorable men and one charming cad (plus a hilariously obnoxious husband); secrets and silence; verbal and violent duels; and a spiritual undercurrent of repentance (false and real), forgiveness, and applying the Golden Rule at great cost. This is not just for ladies!
Gentlemen, “Real men read Austen and can read her with interest and profit.”
We meet on Tuesdays at the Agans' home in Tucker, beginning at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome, from middle school on up! Questions? Contact Tricia Agan.
Upcoming Sermon Series: Valued + Vital
Valued and Vital: One Body, Many Members
Jesus invites people of all kinds to love and trust him. And he wants a wide range of people—from all kinds of cultural backgrounds, with a diverse array of gifts, having come to faith in him from a host of starting points—to know that their contribution to his work in the church and the world is valued and vital. As we embrace these truths from Scripture, we will be more prepared to love each other more deeply and to reach a wider range of people with good news about Jesus. With this sermon series, let’s move toward this goal by giving close attention to what 1 Corinthians 12 says to us about being one “body” with many “members.”
Oasis Spring 2025
The Intown Women's Ministry offers an opportunity for women to come together and receive nourishment from the Lord through his word and each other with the weekly Oasis Bible Study. Oasis meets on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the church, and there are different Bible studies from which to choose. Childcare is available for a small fee. The spring semester will begin on January 9, and we hope you'll plan to join us. Click here to register now or contact Jean Joiner for more information.
Men's Breakfast Resumes
Intown Men's Ministry will resume their first and third Saturday breakfasts on Saturday, Jan. 4, 8:45-10:00 a.m. All men are invited to join us for a good breakfast, fellowship, and discussion at the Intown Coffeehouse. Questions? Contact Marshall Sims.
Cookies & Crafts on Christmas Eve
Intown's Children's Ministry is hosting a fun time with cookies and crafts at 5:00 p.m. on December 24., between the first and second Christmas Eve services in rooms 201-207. All are welcome to stop in for a sweet treat and there will be fun crafts for the kids to enjoy!
Christmas Eve at Intown
Christmas Eve Service - 4:00 p.m.
Cookies & Crafts - 5:00 p.m. (Rooms 201-207)
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 6:00 p.m.
Service of Lessons & Carols
Intown’s Lessons and Carols service will be held on Sunday, Dec. 15 during the 10:45 a.m. worship service. We will hear the Christmas story in Scripture and song, celebrating the coming of Jesus, our light in the darkness. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family to hear of God’s love for them and all the world, shown through the Child who has come to reign. We are expecting a full house so arrive in time to get your seats before 10:45 a.m., keeping the best seats available for our newcomers and guests. Please note: There will NOT be children's worship this Sunday. Nursery will still be available for 0-Pre-K.
Praise Gang Performance
Come hear "The Best Story Ever Told", presented by Intown's Praise Gang Kids on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 6 p.m. A reception will follow the performance.
Advent Wreath Making Workshop
Celebrate the start of Advent with hope, peace, joy, and love. Join us on Sunday, December 1, 2024, immediately following the service at 12:30 p.m. in Room 214 to build a fresh Advent Wreath! A $10 donation is requested to offset the cost of candle, green & wreath form. Light refreshments will be provided. Everyone is Invited! Registration required, to ensure we have enough supplies. Please click here to register.
Membership Class
Whether you are new to Intown or have been here awhile, if you would like to explore what it means to be a member, please join the Membership Class on Sundays, Dec. 1-15 at 9:30 a.m., in Room 217. You'll learn about the core commitments of Intown Community Church and what it means to be a part of our congregation as well as part of the broader community of believers. Childcare is available. Please register here to assist us with planning
Adopt a Global Partners for Christmas
Intown has the opportunity to be a blessing to our Global Partners this Christmas season. You, your family, or small group can choose a partner’s name off the Christmas Tree in the lobby and prepare a gift that would bless them.
Instructions that you can take with you will be provided next to the tree. Take the ornament off the tree and use it as a prayer reminder. If you are interested in this opportunity to serve, don't delay because shipping can take time. Contact Kristen Nixon or Sue Burch if you have any questions.
Parents Morning Out
Giving thanks for all the parents out there, Intown Children's Ministry is excited to offer a Parents' Morning Out on Saturday, November 23 from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Drop off your kids (infant-5th grade) with us and go out to brunch, run errands, catch up with a friend or spend some quiet time at home. Whatever you decide to do with your time, we will have your kids' time covered with a fun morning full of crafts, games and treats that celebrate the season. Click here to register.
Faithful Parenting: Our Kids' Social and Emotional Wellness
Faithful Parenting: A Family Forum on Modern Challenges
An informal gathering at a host home to discuss modern challenges that families face while raising the next generation. On November 21 at 7:00 p.m., the discussion will focus on our kids’ social and emotional wellness. Location: The home of Kelly and Jeremy Bell. No childcare available.
Register here.
Global Expo
Intown's Global Partners team has organized several exciting short-term mission trips for 2025, and they will be showcasing them at our Global Expo on Sunday, Nov. 17. The Expo will be set up in the lobby from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and representatives for each of the trips will be available to give you more information and answer your questions. Please prayerfully consider if God may be calling you to participate with one of our short-term mission trips in 2025 and drop by the Expo to get more information.
College Students Lunch
Intown will be hosting a lunch for all current college students on Sunday, November 10, immediately after the worship service in Room 217. Whether you're home visiting or you're a local student attending Intown, all are welcome! Feel free to invite your friends to join us, too. Questions? Please contact tricia@intown.org.
Culture & Christianity - Culture Shift
You can feel it, even if you can’t define it. Significant cultural shifts are impacting North America, having taken root in other parts of the world decades ago. One way to describe these shifts is to say that our culture is becoming “Post-Christian.” But what exactly does that mean? How is a post-Christian culture different from what went before? And what are the implications for Intown? What will faithfulness to Jesus look like in this new environment? We will spend two weeks laying a foundation for understanding our culture and our calling with honesty, hope, and courage rooted in the goodness of Jesus and his gospel. Plan to join us on Nov. 10 & 17 at 9:30 a.m. and bring a friend!
Service of Remembrance
On Sunday, Nov. 3, Intown will offer a brief Service of Remembrance at 12:15 p.m. in Room 217. This is a time for people who have lost loved ones in the recent past, and particularly in the previous year, to come together to grieve, to support each other, and to experience the hope that Jesus offers. If you or others you know would benefit from being a part of this service, please click here to register by Friday, Nov. 1 at Noon.
Tiny Tennis
Intown Children's Ministry is hosting a special "Costume Edition" of Tiny Tennis on Saturday, November 2 from 10-11:30 a.m.! Participants are encouraged to wear costumes and join in a time of fun while learning the game of tennis. Open to ages 3-8 years old. Registration required to attend. Please click here to register.
Young Adults Gathering
Our next gathering on Monday evening will be on Oct. 28, at 7:00 p.m. at the Intown Coffeehouse. Dinner will be provided, and we'll be discussing chapters 2 & 3 from Tim Keller's book, The Prodigal God. Please join us even if you haven't read the book, for dinner, fellowship, discussion, and worship together! Contact Tricia Agan with questions.
Young Adults Social
On Sunday, Oct. 27, Intown young adults will enjoy a social time with young adults from two nearby churches. We will meet at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Liz and Andrew van der Bijl. Please bring a side or dessert to share, and a pumpkin if you'd like to decorate it! Contact Tricia Agan for the address.
Upcoming Sermon Series: Belong & Believe
Jesus often said that he searched for people, sought them and looked for them. He tells stories about searching for lost sheep, lost coins, and lost sons. He pursues people, calling them to belong to the family he is building from all nations, calling them to believe in all that he is and all that he offers. Jesus is calling Intown to join him in these acts of love—helping people we know belong and believe, not as mechanical process or religious project, but as a genuine demonstration that we have been marked by his love. Let’s discover together what it means to be marked by the love of Jesus, so that we can see that love touch more and more lives throughout our city. The series will begin on Oct. 27.
Faithful Parenting: Technology & Social Media
Faithful Parenting: A Family Forum on Modern Challenges
An informal gathering at a host home to discuss modern challenges that families face while raising the next generation. On October 21 at 7:00 p.m., the discussion will focus on technology and social media. Location: The home of Kelly and Jeremy Bell. No childcare available.
Register here.
IDX Washington Farms
IDX’s annual trip to Washington Farms will be on October 18! This trip includes a pumpkin patch, corn maze, and more fall fun! Cars will be leaving Intown during the 5:30 hour, and tickets cost 20$, food not included. Any student 6th-12th grade is welcome and wanted, and we encourage students to invite their friends! We can’t wait to see you! Click here to register now!
Children's Membership Class
Children's Membership Class will be held on Sundays, Oct. 13-Nov. 3 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 303 (except for 10/13 which will take place in Room 213). This 4-week class is for children who are ready to learn more about what it means to become a communing member of the church. Click here to register now.
Membership Class
Whether you are new to Intown or have been here awhile, if you would like to explore what it means to be a member, please join Membership Class on Sunday, October 6, from 12:15 - 3:00 p.m. in Room 203. You'll learn about the core commitments of Intown Community Church and what it means to be a part of our congregation as well as part of the broader community of believers. Lunch is provided. Childcare is available on request. Click here to register.
Contact Paula Hunt with questions.
Children’s Ministry - Family Social
Intown Children's Ministry invites families to join in for a fun evening of Bon Fires and S'mores on Saturday, October 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the back lawn of the church to celebrate the season! Bring your own chair! Click here to register.
Fall Spruce-Up Day
It's hard to believe it with these temps, but Fall is fast approaching, and we'd like to take advantage of the change of season to make our facility more welcoming and inviting for visitors and members! Let’s pull together as a church body for a Fall Spruce-Up Day on Saturday, October 5, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Volunteer activities will include landscape trimming, painting, planting, and general cleanup. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals and small groups to serve our church and enjoy the camaraderie of working together toward a common goal. If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please click here to sign up.
Praise Gang Children’s Choir
Praise Gang children's choir will begin practice for the Christmas 2024 season on Wednesday, Sept 25, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the sanctuary (off for Thanksgiving week on Nov 28). We will be learning The Best Story Ever Told, a children's musical that brings Luke's Christmas narrative to life. We will sing on Sunday morning, Dec 8, with a full performance that night at 6:00 p.m. Praise Gang is for all children in grades 1-5. For questions, please call or email choir director Emily Wert (404-723-2310, wertfamily@gmail.com).
Fall Women’s Gathering
Join us on Sunday, September 22 at 7 p.m. at Marcy McKean's house. We will have wine, cheese and treats for this laid-back evening of relaxation and conversation. This will be an encouraging time to catch up with old friends and make a few new ones. Contact Jean Joiner for more information.