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Christianity and Literature Community Group

Beginning Jan. 14, the Christianity and Literature group will begin discussing Jane Austen's first published work, Sense and Sensibility, a novel with something for everyone. A story of selfishness and self-control, involving sisters—loving but very different; suitors—two honorable men and one charming cad (plus a hilariously obnoxious husband); secrets and silence; verbal and violent duels; and a spiritual undercurrent of repentance (false and real), forgiveness, and applying the Golden Rule at great cost. This is not just for ladies!

Gentlemen, “Real men read Austen and can read her with interest and profit.”

We meet on Tuesdays at the Agans' home in Tucker, beginning at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome, from middle school on up! Questions? Contact Tricia Agan.

January 12

Upcoming Sermon Series: Valued + Vital

January 19

Women's in the Bible