College & Young Adults
Authentic Community.
Supportive Friends.
Like Atlanta itself, Intown’s young adult community is constantly changing and growing. By God’s grace, we strive to be an authentic community of vulnerable friends, who support and encourage each other through the beauty and brokenness of life.
Young Adults
You’ll find young professionals, students (undergraduate and graduate), couples, singles, parents of babies, and some who are pushing the term “young” adult. Our hope is to provide a space for connection and growth in Christ with other people in the same season of life, and also a place to learn about ways to get involved in/connected to the church as a whole (like small groups, service opportunities, men’s women’s ministries, etc.).
Events for Young Adults
Monday nights at the Coffeehouse
Come join other young adults on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings each month from 7:00 p.m. at the Intown Coffeehouse for “Dinner +”. What is the “plus”? It varies! During each gathering, we have dinner and fellowship together, then the “program” part of the evening changes. This summer, various young adults are leading that portion, including a book discussion, reading/praying Scripture together, a worship night, etc. Newcomers are often present and always welcome! Questions? Contact Tricia Agan.
Social Events
In addition to our regular Monday get-togethers, we also have various social get-togethers. These are communicated through the church newsletter and through a specific young adult GroupMe. If you’d like to join so you can get those updates, contact Tricia Agan at tricia@intown.org
Events for College Students
College students are welcome at any young adult function, and in addition, we have some events and activities that are specific to you!
Lunches after church
At least twice a semester, the college students get together for lunch after worship on Sunday. Sometimes we go to a nearby restaurant; sometimes we have food brought into the church. These are announced through the Sunday morning Worship Guide and the church e-newsletter, so watch for them there! We usually invite an Intown family or two to join us, to give us a chance to know each other better over a meal. Join us for our next College Student Lunch on Sunday, March 2 at 12:15 p.m. in Room 217.
Small Groups
A small group or event is a great starting point to find your place in the college and young adult communities. Not only do we want you to feel welcome, but we also want you to feel included.
To find out more information or if you have any questions, contact tricia@intown.org