Our church always has room
for more at the table.
It’s a relationship.
At its most basic, a church is a web of relationships: God in relationship to people, people in relationship to each other. From this web, God sends us out to form new relationships with our neighbors, our community, our world.
But no relationship can flourish without commitment. As a Christian church, Intown values experiencing and expressing commitment. That’s what membership is about.
It’s an expression of commitment.
First, we experience God’s unbreakable commitment to us, demonstrated when he sent Jesus to redeem us. Jesus mirrors this commitment when he promises to welcome into God’s family anyone who puts their trust in him.
We next express our commitment to God in a variety of ways. Sometimes these occur in a tidy sequence, sometimes with long delays among them, and sometimes so quickly that we may not know where one begins and another ends.
Six key ways to express your commitment to God
Seeking opportunities to hear more about Jesus, without dismissing what you hear as irrelevant or unimportant.
Heart commitment
Embracing, from the heart, all that Jesus is and all that he offers.
Confession of faith Declaring to other Christians, gathered as part of a local church with its leaders, that you share with them trust in and commitment to Jesus.
Being baptized as a sign of entry into the family of God, and recognizing baptism as Jesus’ commitment to cleanse and renew anyone who puts their faith in him..
The Lord’s Supper
Receiving this sacrament as a sign of the deep love that led Jesus to sacrifice himself for you, and responding with thanksgiving and renewed commitment to grow in faithfulness to him.
Membership in a local church
Committing to a life of faith and love as part of a local church where your passion for Jesus can burn brightest and longest.
Next Steps
Would you like to talk?
For a one-on-one conversation about any of the pathways mentioned above, contact Senior Pastor Jimmy Agan, who will be happy to connect you with a leader who can engage in a comfortable conversation with you.
Would you like to learn more?
Intro to Intown
For those who are new to Intown Community Church and want to learn more about the church, this will be an opportunity to hear more about why Intown exists, meet pastors and staff, learn more about ministries and have your questions answered. Our next Intro to Intown is scheduled for Sunday, March 30 at 12:15 p.m. Lunch is provided. Please click here to register.
For information about becoming a member at Intown, scheduling an opportunity for baptism, or participating in the Lord’s Supper at Intown, contact Paula Hunt.