International Friends
A place of welcome.

We consider it a privilege to be located so close to some of the finest educational and research institutions in the world. We extend a warm welcome to international students, scholars, and others from across the globe who come to Atlanta to study, work, and live. Please join us to meet new people through the opportunities listed below.
International Friendship Community (IFC)
Intown’s IFC offers a variety of opportunities to help people from around the world, and Americans, get connected.
IFC on Sunday Mornings at 9:30 – We build friendships while exploring the Bible, God, and Christianity together. Christians and non-Christians of all backgrounds welcome!
Men’s and Women's Bible Studies - We have small groups for both men and women that meet to study the Bible. The Bible study groups are designed for those from all over the world (as well as Americans) and are open to both Christians and those who are just curious about Christianity.
IFC Community Group - Another opportunity for building relationships both with other international friends and Americans is our Community Group that meets weekly, usually on Wednesday evenings.
While we continue to offer our regular programs, we have adapted each experience to include important safety measures that align with recommendations from authorities related to the pandemic. We do this in response to our call from God to love each other.
Other Opportunities
The following ministries, while not officially part of Intown, offer unique experiences that might be of interest to our international friends.
Emory Chinese Christian Fellowship (ECCF): Chinese-speakers meet for dinner, fellowship, worship, and Bible study in Chinese on Friday nights at Intown. Contact Haipeng Hu for more information.
Japanese Christian Community of Atlanta (JCCA): Japanese and Americans who speak Japanese meet together on Sunday afternoon for worship services and Bible study in Japanese. Contact Chris and Mayumi Pohl for more information.