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Faith & Science, Part 4 – Q&A on Creation and Evolution
Pastor Jimmy Agan is joined by Pastor Steve Yates and scientist Jonathan Yoder for a Q&A session, followed by a role play of various conversations encountered in the real world surrounding issues of creation and evolution from a Christian perspective.
The following books were referenced during this discussion:
C. John “Jack” Collins, Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?: Who They Were and Why You Should Care
J.P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Christopher Shaw (editors), Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique

Faith & Science, Part 3 – Evolution
Feedback from our recent Faith and Science Symposium revealed several topics of great interest to our congregants. During this series, our pastors will tackle the topics of creation and evolution.

Faith & Science, Part 2 – Creation
Feedback from our recent Faith and Science Symposium revealed several topics of great interest to our congregants. During this series, our pastors will tackle the topics of creation and evolution.

Faith & Science, Part 1 – Creation
Feedback from our recent Faith and Science Symposium revealed several topics of great interest to our congregants. During this series, our pastors will tackle the topics of creation and evolution.