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Unmasking Beauty, Part 4 – Supporting Artists and the Arts
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week, we ask what it means for Christians to be patrons of the arts. Can we support and encourage them to pursue their calling? Additionally, there is an interview with Steve Thrall, who works with artists in France.
To download this week’s handout, click here.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 3 – Understanding the Arts to Understand Our Neighbor
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week, we considered ways to understand art in order to understand our neighbor. We discussed the ways that artists are treated and perceived in society at large and in the church specifically, and then looked at three ways to engage with the arts.
Visit the list of recommended books with this Amazon Book List.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 2 – Creativity and the Calling to Create
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week, we look at how human creativity stems from being created by God in his image, and how God has called us to be creative in the world.
Visit the list of recommended books with this Amazon Book List.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 1 – Why We Need Beauty and the Arts
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week considers “Why We Need Beauty and the Arts.” Why does Beauty exist in the world? Do the Arts matter? Are there benefits from experiencing Beauty and the Arts?
Visit the list of recommended books with this Amazon Book List.