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Living in a Post-Christian Culture Shift - Part 2
This two-week series lays a foundation for understanding our culture and our calling with honesty, hope, and courage rooted in the goodness of Jesus and his gospel.

Living in a Post-Christian Culture Shift - Part 1
This two-week series lays a foundation for understanding our culture and our calling with honesty, hope, and courage rooted in the goodness of Jesus and his gospel.

Christian Nationalism: What Your Pastor Wants You To Know, Part 4
In week 4, Jimmy Agan wraps up his teaching series on Christian Nationalism by applying the three goals of Gospel Wisdom, Gospel Peace, and Gospel Bridges to conversations that listeners may have with others about the relationship between politics and religion.
Click here for the slide outline.
Click here for the class handout.
Click here for a resource list to read and listen more about this topic.

Christian Nationalism: What Your Pastor Wants You To Know, Part 3
In the second week, Jimmy Agan presents the core traits of Christian Nationalism and offers healthier alternatives for Christians to approach politics in America.
Click here for the slide outline.
Click here for the class handout.
Click here for a resource list to read and listen more about this topic.

Christian Nationalism: What Your Pastor Wants You To Know, Part 2
In the second week, Jimmy Agan presents the core traits of Christian Nationalism and offers healthier alternatives for Christians to approach politics in America.
Click here for the slide outline.
Click here for the class handout.
Click here for a resource list to read and listen more about this topic.

Christian Nationalism: What Your Pastor Wants You To Know, Part 1
In this first week of “Christian Nationalism: What Your Pastor Wants You To Know,” Jimmy Agan sets the groundwork for the rest of the series by first asking participants to consider what questions and fears they have when approaching this topic. He then sets out to define Christian nationalism, calling attention to varying perspectives as well Click hereas unpacking research surveys on the topic.
Click here for the slide outline.
Click here for the class handout.
Click here for a resource list to read and listen more about this topic.

Trans and the Gospel, Part 4
Is transgenderism a threat? A disease? Something beautiful? What does our church believe? As part of our Culture & Christianity series, Pastor Steve Yates leads a conversation about identity, gender, and the realities of our broken world, in light of the good news of Jesus.
This week, we started out the wrap-up of this series by answering a few questions that had been previously submitted. We then considered a final ‘lens’ to look at transgenderism through – ‘disability.’ Specifically, we considered the various things that play a role in our sinful decisions, including people’s pain and suffering. Through a look at the biblical definition of eunuchs and the experience of Jesus as a suffering servant, we reminded each other to suffer and hope well with each other as we also are called to holiness.
For this week’s handout, click here.

Trans and the Gospel, Part 3
Is transgenderism a threat? A disease? Something beautiful? What does our church believe? As part of our Culture & Christianity series, Pastor Steve Yates leads a conversation about identity, gender, and the realities of our broken world, in light of the good news of Jesus.
This week we looked at our second of three lenses, “divinity,” the lens concerned with the sacredness of God and his world. We again affirmed the biblical stance of two genders but discussed the difficulties in asking, “Is trans a sin?” due to various understandings of both transgenderism and categories of sin. We looked at our theological space for gender incongruence as a possible result of creation’s corruption in Romans 8, and ended with a practical discussion of varying views on using one’s preferred pronouns informed by 1 Corinthians 8.
For this week’s handout, click here.

Trans and the Gospel, Part 2
Is transgenderism a threat? A disease? Something beautiful? What does our church believe? As part of our Culture & Christianity series, Pastor Steve Yates leads a conversation about identity, gender, and the realities of our broken world, in light of the good news of Jesus.
This week we began discussing the first of three “lenses” people look at trans issues through: “diversity.” We discussed how our culture has largely shifted to a worldview valuing personal choice and agency, and how with this in mind, it makes sense that our culture wishes to promote expressions of this such as trans movements. We also analyzed how we as God’s people have reacted to this shift with negative emotions, leading us to conflict instead of love.
Discussed during class – Starbucks India Ad “Arpita”
For this week’s handout, click here.

Trans and the Gospel, Part 1 – Definitions
Is transgenderism a threat? A disease? Something beautiful? What does our church believe? As part of our Culture & Christianity series, Pastor Steve Yates leads a conversation about identity, gender, and the realities of our broken world, in light of the good news of Jesus.
This week, we start with a discussion of various terms such as trans, transgender, intersex, transition, cisgender, and biological sex. We finished with a discussion of gender, that Scripture does root a defense of two genders in the image of God and possibility of marriage and procreation. However, we also emphasized that because expressions of gender are culturally influenced, our call should be to encourage each other to God-glorifying expressions of gender that clarify and focus people on his image instead of modern stereotypes of gender norms.
For this week’s handout, click here.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 4 – Supporting Artists and the Arts
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week, we ask what it means for Christians to be patrons of the arts. Can we support and encourage them to pursue their calling? Additionally, there is an interview with Steve Thrall, who works with artists in France.
To download this week’s handout, click here.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 3 – Understanding the Arts to Understand Our Neighbor
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week, we considered ways to understand art in order to understand our neighbor. We discussed the ways that artists are treated and perceived in society at large and in the church specifically, and then looked at three ways to engage with the arts.
Visit the list of recommended books with this Amazon Book List.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 2 – Creativity and the Calling to Create
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week, we look at how human creativity stems from being created by God in his image, and how God has called us to be creative in the world.
Visit the list of recommended books with this Amazon Book List.

Unmasking Beauty, Part 1 – Why We Need Beauty and the Arts
Our Culture and Christianity teaching series continues with “Unmasking Beauty,” an exploration of the world of art and creativity. During the four-week series, Luke Brodine (Pastor for Worship and the Arts) will discuss how bearing God's image means that we all have a calling to create and how artists uniquely embody this calling as sub-creators. We will also look at how engaging with the arts offers opportunities to listen to and understand our neighbors and the broader culture.
This week considers “Why We Need Beauty and the Arts.” Why does Beauty exist in the world? Do the Arts matter? Are there benefits from experiencing Beauty and the Arts?
Visit the list of recommended books with this Amazon Book List.

Is Marriage Still Relevant?, Part 3
The pastors of Intown explore the question "Is marriage still relevant?" In a world where our understanding of relationships seems to be constantly changing, why is marriage needed? Join us for an exploration of marriage in contemporary culture and of ways Christians can lean into the conversation with grace and wisdom.
Exploring this week’s question, “What is marriage for?” Jimmy Agan presents tips for how to have healthy conversations with others about the reasons people marry one another.
Download his class notes here.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Tim and Kathy Keller, The Meaning of Marriage
Christopher Ash, “A Biblical View of Marriage”

Is Marriage Still Relevant?, Part 2
The pastors of Intown explore the question "Is marriage still relevant?" In a world where our understanding of relationships seems to be constantly changing, why is marriage needed? Join us for an exploration of marriage in contemporary culture and of ways Christians can lean into the conversation with grace and wisdom.
In episode 2, David Fisk presents a case study of a discussion between two people about commitment in marriage.
In episode 2, David Fisk presents a case study of a discussion between two people about commitment in marriage. Download the handout that also includes discussion questions here.

Is Marriage Still Relevant?, Part 1
The pastors of Intown explore the question "Is marriage still relevant?" In a world where our understanding of relationships seems to be constantly changing, why is marriage needed? Join us for an exploration of marriage in contemporary culture and of ways Christians can lean into the conversation with grace and wisdom.
In episode 1, David Fisk compares statistics on marriage in the culture and in the church and sets the stage for the rest of the series.
For the original presentation, a handout was given to participants to follow along. Download that handout here.

Faith & Science, Part 4 – Q&A on Creation and Evolution
Pastor Jimmy Agan is joined by Pastor Steve Yates and scientist Jonathan Yoder for a Q&A session, followed by a role play of various conversations encountered in the real world surrounding issues of creation and evolution from a Christian perspective.
The following books were referenced during this discussion:
C. John “Jack” Collins, Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?: Who They Were and Why You Should Care
J.P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Christopher Shaw (editors), Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique

Faith & Science, Part 3 – Evolution
Feedback from our recent Faith and Science Symposium revealed several topics of great interest to our congregants. During this series, our pastors will tackle the topics of creation and evolution.

Faith & Science, Part 2 – Creation
Feedback from our recent Faith and Science Symposium revealed several topics of great interest to our congregants. During this series, our pastors will tackle the topics of creation and evolution.